Dirty Fuss is coming down from Nashville to hit it one time with Xuluprophet at Jinx Nov. 22nd. $5 COVER 21+ Atlanta reggae rock fest![]() The following night we hit Gypsy Rose Music Hall: Get tickets here xuluprophet is the music sponsor for buddy watch walk" My name is John Ring, I serve in the Georgia Army National Guard with Delta Company 2-121 with the 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team. I am walking across the country, 2,462 miles from the Tybee Island Pier to the Santa Monica Pier. My mission: raise awareness to Veterans issues, PTSD, homelessness, addiction, MST, suicide, and getting our Veterans out of the criminal justice system. I am also walking to raise funds for Buddy Watch, Inc., a non-profit organization in Midway, Georgia, that is working to build tiny homes for our homeless Veterans. In the future there will be onsite mental health treatment and tiny homes at the same location to help better serve our Veterans needs. To learn more about my walk, visit www.wheresjohnring.com or visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, or Snapchat. Thank you so much for support!! Sincerely, John Ring [email protected] #BuddyWatch #BuddyWatchWalk #Veterans #UnitedStates #Military #VFW #Georgia #Alabama #Mississippi #Arkansas #Texas #NewMexico #Arizona #California"